• Libellé inconnu,

11e Congrès annuel de l’International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry (ISME)

Publié le 21 juin 2017 Mis à jour le 13 mars 2018

du 3 juillet 2017 au 5 juillet 2017

De 9h à 18h

Bâtiment Max Weber (W)

Monday, 3rd of July

9h-9h30: Opening of the Conference: Welcome of Participants & Welcome Speech: Loraine Gérardin-Laverge & Denis Forest (Paris Nanterre University)

Chair: Loraine Gérardin-Laverge (Paris Nanterre University, France)
Panel: « “Gender Mass Culture and Moralities: Critically Engaging MacIntyre’s Critique of Modernity through Utopianism”

9h30: Kate De Luca (Providence College, USA) – “De-Gendering Utopia”
9h55: Blaine Payer (Providence College, USA) – “Dead Sea Fishing: A Fictional Account of a MacIntyrean Fishing Community”
10h20: Michael Lazarus (Monash University, Australia) – “Ethics as Political Inquiry: Teleology and Method in Marx and MacIntyre”
10h45: Discussion

11h: Coffee break

Chair: Jeffery Nicholas (Providence College, USA)

11h20: Ahmad Fattah (University of Sheffield, England) – “Common Good and Public Interest in the Political Philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre”
11h45: Paar Tamas (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary) – “Universal Knowledge in Local Utopias”
12h10: Paul Blackledge (Leeds Beckett University) - “MacIntyre, Marx, and the Utopianism of the present”
12h 35: Discussion

13h : Lunch

Keynote speech: Tony Burns (Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham) – “Aristotelianism and Utopianism”
15h30: Discussion

16h: Break

Chair: Ronan Sharkey (Institut Catholique de Paris, France)

16h20: Eleni Leontsini (University of Ioannina, Greece) – “Utopia and Reasonable Hopes: Which are the Best and Second-Best Constitutions in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy?”
16h45: Andrius Bielskis (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) – “Aristotelian Utopia (?): Critical Reflection on Aristotle’s Conception of Political Community and “Natural Inequalities”
17h10: Adam Chmielewski (University of Wroclaw, Poland) – “The Concept of Order and MacIntyrean Utopia”
17h45: Discussion

18h15: Conference Cocktail

Tuesday, 4th of July

Chair: Buket Korkut Raptis (Mugla University, Turkey)

9h30: Matthew Sinnicks (Northumbria University, England) – “Work in Utopia?”
9h55: Beata Sirowy (Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway) – “Towards a Degrowth City: The Transformative Potential of Urban Utopias »
10h20: Dario Mazzola (University of Milano, Italy) – “Open Borders: A MacIntyrean Utopia”
10h45: Discussion

11h: Coffee Break

Chair: Andrius Bielskis (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania)

11h30: Peter Wicks (Elm Institute, USA) – “Imaginary Commonwealths: Utopian Political Philosophy and the Dystopian Imagination”
11h55: Babaee Ruzbeh (University of Porto, Portugal) & Babaee Siamak (University of Kashan, Iran) – « Apocalyptic Rhetoric in Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Drowned Cities »
12h20: Jeffery Nicholas (Providence College, USA) – “Erotic Practices, Erotic Communities: Dystopian and Utopian Fiction between Lorde and MacIntyre”
12h45: Discussion

13h: Lunch

Chair: Eleni Leontsini (University of Ioannina, Greece)

14h30: Tarcisio Amorim Carvalho (University College Dublin, Ireland) – “Multicultural Education and Utopia”
14h55: Sylwiac Chrostowska (York University, Canada) – “Utopia beyond Realism and Normativity”
15h20: Geoff Moore (Durham University, England) –“The Psychological Origins and Sociological Implications of Desire: A Girardian Response to MacIntyre”
15h45: Sante Maletta (University of Bergamo, Italy) – “Human Rights between Utopia and Dystopia”
16h10: Discussion

16h30: Coffee Break

Chair: Peter Wicks (Elm Institute, USA)

16h50: Buket Korkut Raptis (Mugla University, Turkey) – “Marxist Ethics and Utopian Socialism”
17h15: Peter McMylor (University of Manchester, England) – “Between Marx and Chesterton: MacIntyre and the Possibility of a Progressive ‘Populism’?”
17h40: Steven Pena (University of St Thomas, USA) – “Marx, MacIntyre and Metahistory. Mapping a Historical Road to Utopia”
18h05: Joanna Mysona Byrska (Pontifical University of John Paul II, Poland) – « New Policy in the World of Precariat »
18h30: Discussion

20h30: Conference dinner

Wednesday, 5th of July

Chair: Denis Forest (Paris Nanterre University)

9h: Christopher Lutz (Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, USA) – “MacIntyre’s Utopianism of the Present: The Renewal of Practical Reasoning”
9h25: Angus Robson (Northumbria University, England) – “MacIntyre, Gadamer and Flyvbjerg on the road to wisdom”
9h50: Gerald E. Twaddell (Thomas More College, USA) – “From Opening Move to End Game: Imagining a Chess Community”
10h15: James McAllister (University of Edinburgh, Scotland) – “Utopianism of the Present: MacIntyre on Education and the Virtue of Hope”
10h40: Discussion

11h: Coffee Break

Chair: Loraine Gérardin-Laverge (Paris Nanterre University)

11h30: Samuel Lepine (University of Lyon, France) – “After Virtue Ethics”
11h55: Kazmierczak Pawel (Ignatianum University, Poland) – “Social Scientific Utopia and Dystopia: Francis Bacon’s and Ursula K. Le Guin's Visions of the New Atlantis”
12h20: Discussion

13h: Business Meeting Lunch (all participants welcome)

14h30: Keynote speech – Michèle Le Doeuff (CNRS, Cral/ EHESS) – “News from Somewhere”.

15h15h: Discussion

15h45: Coffee Break

Chair: Denis Forest (Paris Nanterre University)

16h: Kelvin Knight (London Metropolitan University, England) – “Critique of Regulative Liberal Reason”
16h25: Michael O’Neill (Providence College, USA) – “MacIntyre’s Critique of Liberalism Revisited: After Virtue and ‘The Privatization of Good’ in Light of Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity”
16h50: Nicolai Abramovich (University Paris Sorbonne, France) – “Negative Liberalism: When Reality Challenges Moral Expectations”
17h15: Ron Beadle (Northumbria University, England) – “Utopia in the Commonplace- Running away to the Circus in the 20th Century”

17h40: General Discussion and Concluding Remarks

18h30: End of Conference


Mis à jour le 13 mars 2018